How To Use Steam Cleaning To Effectively Sanitise And Disinfect?

Lenard Nagy
Oct 22, 2023

Tired of endlessly scrubbing and sanitising your home surfaces, yet they never seem thoroughly clean? We've been there too. After rigorous research, we discovered the magic of steam cleaninga hassle-free method that uses heat to disinfect surfaces without harsh chemicals.

So, this blog unravels how you can use steam cleaning to effectively kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria in your home. Let's explore this game-changing way to sparkle up your space!

Key Takeaways

  • Steam cleaning uses heat to disinfect surfaces without harsh chemicals or detergents.
  • Properly preparing the surface and choosing the right attachment is essential for effective steam cleaning.
  • Setting up the steam cleaner correctly and using the steam and scrub technique ensures optimal cleanliness.
  • Rinsing the surface after steam cleaning helps remove residue for a thorough cleaning.

Understanding Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaners heat water to create steam, which is then released through a nozzle or attachment onto surfaces to effectively remove dirt, grime, and germs. This method of cleaning offers numerous benefits for sanitization and disinfection purposes.

How Do Steam Cleaners Work?

Steam cleaners utilise a simple yet powerful mechanism. They contain a water tank that gets heated to produce high-temperature steam. This steam is directed onto the surface requiring cleaning through a nozzle or brush attachment.

The heat from the steam breaks down dirt, grime, and bacteria on the surface, making them easy to wipe away. Importantly, steam not only cleans but also disinfects, as the high temperatures kill up to 99.9% of germs and dust mites without any need for harsh chemicals or detergents!

Benefits of Steam Cleaning for Sanitization and Disinfection

Steam cleaning provides numerous benefits for sanitisation and disinfection. Firstly, it effectively eliminates dirt, grease, and stains from surfaces, ensuring a deep level of cleanliness.

Secondly, the high temperatures produced by steam cleaners are highly effective in killing 99.9% of germs, dust mites, and bacteria without the need for harsh chemicals or detergents.

Thirdly, steam cleaning uses less water than other methods while maintaining its sanitising power. Additionally, vapour steam cleaners offer a chemical-free way to sanitise your entire home and are eco-friendly and efficient cleaning solutions.

Using a Steam Cleaner Effectively

To effectively use a steam cleaner, start by preparing the surface to be cleaned and selecting the appropriate attachment. Then, set up the steam cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Use a steam and scrub technique to remove dirt and grime, making sure to rinse the surface afterwards for optimal cleanliness.

Preparing the Surface

To effectively prepare the surface for steam cleaning, follow these steps:

  1. Remove any loose dirt or debris by vacuuming or sweeping the area.
  2. Wipe down the surface with a damp cloth to remove any visible grime or stains.
  3. If there are stubborn stains, pre-treat them with a gentle cleaning solution or stain remover.
  4. Ensure that the surface is dry before starting the steam cleaning process.
  5. For delicate surfaces, such as wooden floors or painted walls, test a small area first to ensure the steam does not cause any damage.
  6. Move any furniture or objects away from the area to be cleaned, creating an unobstructed path for the steam cleaner.

Choosing the Right Attachment

To effectively use a steam cleaner, it is essential to choose the right attachment. Here are some tips to help you select the most suitable attachment for your cleaning needs:

  1. Squeegee Attachment: Perfect for cleaning windows and other smooth surfaces, the squeegee attachment helps easily remove dirt and streaks.
  2. Detail Brush Attachment: Use the detail brush attachment for cleaning smaller areas or hard-to-reach spaces like grout lines, corners, and crevices.
  3. Upholstery Attachment: Designed specifically for cleaning upholstery, this attachment is ideal for refreshing sofas, chairs, and curtains, effectively removing stains and odours.
  4. Floor Brush Attachment: The brush attachment can effectively loosen and remove dirt and grime for deep-cleaning hard floors such as tiles or hardwood.
  5. Extension Wand Attachment: Reach high or out-of-the-way areas easily using the extension wand attachment. It adds extra length to your steam cleaner's reach, making it versatile for various cleaning tasks.

Setting Up the Steam Cleaner

To set up the steam cleaner properly, follow these steps:

  1. Fill the water tank with clean water. Steam cleaners use high temperatures to produce steam, so starting with clean water is important to ensure effective sanitisation and disinfection.
  2. Attach the appropriate nozzle or attachment for the surface you'll be cleaning. Attachments are designed for different purposes, such as upholstery or hard floor cleaning. Make sure you choose the right one for your needs.
  3. Plug in the steam cleaner and allow it to heat up. Most steam cleaners have a heating time of a few minutes. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific heating times.
  4. Once the steam cleaner is heated up, adjust the settings according to your cleaning requirements. Some steam cleaners have adjustable steam levels or pressure settings that can be customised based on the cleaned surface.
  5. Begin steaming by holding the nozzle a few inches away from the surface and moving it in slow, overlapping strokes. This ensures even coverage and allows the steam to penetrate deeply into dirt and grime.
  6. Continue steaming until you've covered the entire area you want to clean. For stubborn stains or heavily soiled areas, you may need to spend more time treating those spots with steam.

Steam and Scrub Technique

To effectively sanitise and disinfect using steam cleaning, follow these steps:

  • Begin by preparing the surface you want to clean, ensuring it is free of any loose dirt or debris.
  • Choose the appropriate attachment for your steam cleaner based on your cleaning surface.
  • Set up your steam cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring it is filled with water and heated to the desired temperature.
  • Use the steam and scrub technique by applying steam to the surface while gently scrubbing with a brush or cloth. This will help dislodge dirt and grime.
  • Rinse the surface with clean water or wipe it down with a damp cloth after steam cleaning to remove any residue.

Rinsing the Surface

Always rinse the surface after steam cleaning to ensure a thorough cleaning. This step helps remove any residue and ensures a fresh finish. Here are some important tips for rinsing:

  • Use a clean cloth or mop dampened with plain water to wipe away any leftover moisture or debris.
  • Pay extra attention to corners and crevices where dirt may accumulate.
  • Activate a steam cleaner with a built-in vacuum function to suck up any excess water.
  • For hard surfaces, use a squeegee or mop to remove the remaining moisture.
  • Allow the surface to air dry completely before using it again.

Areas and Surfaces Ideal for Steam Cleaning

Bathroom Cleaning

Cleaning the bathroom can be a daunting task, but with steam cleaning, it becomes much easier and more effective. Steam cleaners are perfect for eliminating dirt, grime, and germs from bathroom surfaces.

The high temperatures produced by the steam cleaner effectively kill 99.9% of all germs, dust mites, and bacteria without the need for harsh chemicals. Whether it's your shower tiles, bathtub, or toilet seat, steam cleaning provides a deep clean that leaves your bathroom sanitised and sparkling.

Plus, it's an eco-friendly option that uses less water than traditional cleaning methods.

Carpet Cleaning

Steam cleaning is an effective and efficient method for keeping your carpets clean and fresh. With the power of high temperatures, steam cleaners can effectively remove dirt, stains, and odours from your carpets without the need for harsh chemicals.

The steam penetrates deep into the fibres, eliminating germs and bacteria that may be lurking in your carpet. Steam cleaning uses less water than other methods, making it an eco-friendly choice.

Upholstery Cleaning

Steam cleaning is an excellent method for effectively cleaning upholstery in your home. Using a steam cleaner can remove dirt, grime, and stains from fabric surfaces without the need for harsh chemicals.

The high temperatures produced by the steam kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria lurking in your upholstery, ensuring a deep clean that also sanitises. With its eco-friendly and efficient nature, steam cleaning is a great option to keep your upholstery fresh and hygienic.

Kitchen Cleaning

Steam cleaning is an effective method for keeping your kitchen clean and bacteria-free. The high temperatures produced by steam cleaners can kill 99.9% of germs, making it a great option for sanitising surfaces such as countertops, stovetops, and ovens.

With steam cleaning, you don't need to use chemicals or harsh detergents, which makes it safe for food preparation areas. Steam removes dirt and grime from any surface, leaving your kitchen pristine and hygienic.

Steam cleaners are eco-friendly and efficient, using less water than other cleaning methods.

Hard Floor Cleaning

When it comes to hard floor cleaning, steam cleaning is a highly effective method. With the power of steam, you can easily remove dirt, grime, and bacteria from your floors without the need for harsh chemicals.

The high temperatures produced by steam cleaners can kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria, ensuring a deep, clean, and hygienic environment in your home. Whether you have tile, laminate, or hardwood floors, steam cleaning is a versatile solution that will leave your hard surfaces pristine and germ-free.

Plus, using a steam cleaner for hard floor cleaning is eco-friendly as it uses less water than traditional methods and doesn't require harmful chemicals.

Tips and Best Practises for Steam Cleaning

  • Start by removing dust and debris from the surface you are about to steam clean.
  • Avoid common mistakes such as using too much steam, which can lead to water damage, or not allowing enough time for the steam to penetrate and effectively sanitise.
  • Maximise the benefits of steam cleaning by using it as a chemical-free alternative for deep cleaning.
  • Remember to properly maintain and care for your steam cleaner to ensure its longevity and efficiency in sanitising and disinfecting.

Removing Dust and Debris Before Steam Cleaning

To effectively sanitise and disinfect using steam cleaning, it is important to remove dust and debris beforehand. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Begin by thoroughly vacuuming or sweeping the surface to remove loose dirt and debris.
  2. Use a brush or microfiber cloth to gently remove any stubborn dirt or grime.
  3. Consider using a soft bristle brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to loosen the dirt before steam cleaning surfaces with heavy buildup.
  4. Pay attention to corners, edges, and crevices where dust accumulates.
  5. If you are cleaning upholstery or fabric, use a lint roller or tape to remove any lint or hair that may be present.
  6. Wipe down the surface with a damp cloth to ensure it is free from any remaining dust particles.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

To effectively use steam cleaning for sanitisation and disinfection, it is important to avoid common mistakes. Here are some tips to help you achieve the best results:

  1. Properly prepare the surface before steam cleaning by removing loose dirt or debris.
  2. Select the appropriate attachment for the specific surface you are cleaning.
  3. Take the time to set up your steam cleaner correctly, following the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Use a steam and scrub technique to thoroughly clean the surface, applying gentle pressure as needed.
  5. After steaming, rinse the surface with water to remove any residue or remaining dirt.
  6. Avoid using excessive steam or leaving the steam cleaner in one place for too long, as this can damage certain surfaces.
  7. Do not forget to regularly clean and maintain your steam cleaner to ensure its optimal performance.

Maximising the Benefits of Steam Cleaning

To maximise the benefits of steam cleaning, follow these tips:

  1. Use the appropriate steam setting for different surfaces and materials.
  2. Ensure that the steam cleaner reaches the necessary temperature for effective sanitisation.
  3. Take your time when using the steam cleaner to treat each area or surface thoroughly.
  4. Focus on high-traffic areas or those prone to dirt and germs.
  5. Use a circular motion while steaming to ensure even coverage and deep cleaning.
  6. Allow enough time for the steam to penetrate and loosen dirt before wiping or scrubbing.
  7. Regularly clean and maintain your steam cleaner to ensure optimal performance.
  8. Consider using accessories or attachments specifically designed for different cleaning tasks.
  9. Pre-treat stubborn stains or heavily soiled areas with a suitable stain remover before steam cleaning.
  10. Open windows or doors during and after steaming to ventilate the area and speed up drying.

Cleaning Without Chemicals

Steam cleaning is an effective way to clean and disinfect surfaces without using chemicals. Using high temperatures, steam can kill 99.9% of germs, bacteria, and dust mites.

This method is especially useful for those who prefer eco-friendly cleaning solutions or have sensitivities to chemical cleaners. Using a steam cleaner lets you clean your home with deep water, eliminating dirt, grease, and stains from surfaces such as floors, carpets, upholstery, and clothing.

It's a safe and efficient option that provides a hygienic environment without the need for harsh chemicals or detergents.

Maintaining and Caring for Your Steam Cleaner

Proper maintenance of your steam cleaner is essential to keep it functioning effectively. Here are some tips to help you care for your steam cleaner:

  1. Empty the water tank after each use to prevent the growth of bacteria and mould.
  2. Clean the nozzle and attachments regularly to remove any built-up residue.
  3. Check the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning solutions that can be used with your steam cleaner.
  4. Inspect the power cord and hose for any signs of damage and replace them if necessary.
  5. Store your steam cleaner in a cool, dry place to prevent rust or other damage.
  6. Replace worn-out or damaged parts promptly to ensure optimal performance.
  7. Regularly descale your steam cleaner by running a mixture of vinegar and water through it.
  8. Keep the exterior of the steam cleaner clean by wiping it down with a damp cloth.
  9. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals on the surface of your steam cleaner.
  10. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule provided by the manufacturer.


Steam cleaning is a highly effective method for sanitising and disinfecting various surfaces in your home. By harnessing the power of heat, steam cleaners eliminate dirt, grime, and germs without the need for harsh chemicals.

Whether you're tackling your bathroom, carpets, upholstery, or kitchen surfaces, steam cleaning provides a deep clean that guarantees hygiene and cleanliness. With its versatility and eco-friendly nature, investing in a high-quality steam cleaner is a wise choice for any homeowner looking to maintain a healthy and sanitised living environment.

Don’t have time to do it yourself? Contact Perfect Clean today to schedule a professional steam cleaning service for your home!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can steam cleaning effectively sanitise and disinfect surfaces?

Yes, steam cleaning is an effective method for sanitising and disinfecting surfaces. The high temperature of the steam kills bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens on contact.

What surfaces can be cleaned using steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including floors, tiles, carpets, upholstery, mattresses, kitchen appliances, bathroom fixtures, and more.

How long does it take for steam to kill germs?

The time required for steam to kill germs depends on factors such as the temperature of the steam and the type of pathogen being targeted. In general, high-temperature steam only takes a few seconds to eliminate most common bacteria and viruses.

Is steam cleaning environmental friendly?

Yes, steam cleaning is considered environmentally friendly because it doesn't require harsh chemicals or detergents that can negatively impact human health and the environment. Steam cleaners use only water to produce hot vapour that effectively cleans and sanitises without leaving residue or pollutants behind.

How often should I steam-clean?

The frequency of steam cleaning depends on the surface type and its usage. High-traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms might benefit from weekly steam cleaning, while others might only need monthly treatment.

Do I need to use cleaning agents with a steam cleaner?

One of the benefits of steam cleaning is that it often eliminates the need for chemical cleaning agents. The heat of the steam is usually enough to sanitise and disinfect surfaces. However, a mild detergent can be used in conjunction with steam cleaning for stubborn stains or heavy dirt.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.