How to Clean Moss from Concrete

Lenard Nagy
Feb 12, 2024

Moss growth on concrete surfaces is a common problem that can make your concrete look dirty, dull, and unattractive. It can also damage your concrete over time by creating cracks and holes and pose a safety hazard by making your concrete slippery and causing falls and injuries. 

Fortunately, you can remove moss from your concrete with some simple tools and techniques. In this blog post, we will show you how to clean moss from concrete effectively and permanently. We will also explain why moss grows on concretehow to prevent it from coming back, and what benefits you can get from hiring a professional cleaning company like Perfect Clean

By the end of this blog post, you will have a clear understanding of how to clean moss from concrete and how to keep your concrete surfaces looking beautiful and safe. So, let’s get started!

What is Moss, and Why Does It Grow on Concrete?

Moss is a type of plant that belongs to the bryophyte group. It has no roots, stems, or flowers. It reproduces through spores that can be spread by wind, water, or animals. Moss can grow on almost any surface, as long as it has enough moisture and shade. Moss can thrive in humid and rainy climates, like Ireland.

Concrete is a porous material that can absorb water and nutrients from the environment. This makes it an ideal habitat for moss to grow. Moss can also find cracks and crevices in concrete where it can hide and multiply. Moss can grow on any concrete surface, such as driveways, sidewalks, patios, walls, or roofs.

How to Clean Moss from Concrete: 6 Effective Methods

If you want to remove moss from your concrete, you have several options to choose from. Here are six effective methods that you can try:

1. Moss Killer

One of the easiest and most effective ways to clean moss from concrete is to use a moss killer product. It is a chemical solution that kills moss and prevents it from growing back. There are many moss killers available on the market, but we recommend using a non-bleach formula that is safe for your concrete and the environment.

To use a moss killer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Spray the entire area with the moss killer, making sure to cover all the mossy spots.
  • Leave the moss killer to work for at least two hours, or as instructed by the product label.
  • Rinse the area with water to remove the dead moss and the moss killer residue.
  • Repeat the process if necessary until all the moss is gone.

Using a moss killer is a quick and easy way to clean moss from concrete. However, you need to be careful when handling the product, as it may irritate your skin or eyes. You also need to wear protective gloves, goggles, and clothing when applying the product. You also need to keep children and pets away from the area until it is completely dry.

2. Vinegar

Another simple and natural way to clean moss from concrete is to use vinegar. Vinegar is an acidic liquid that can lower the pH of the moss and kill it. Vinegar is also cheap and readily available in most households.

To use vinegar to clean moss from concrete, you need to follow these steps:

  • Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the vinegar generously over the mossy area, making sure to saturate the moss.
  • Leave the vinegar to work for at least 15 minutes, or longer for thicker moss.
  • Scrub the area with a stiff-bristled brush to loosen the moss.
  • Rinse the area with water to remove the vinegar and the moss.

Using vinegar to clean moss from concrete is a natural and eco-friendly method. However, vinegar may not be strong enough to kill all the moss spores, so you may need to repeat the process several times to get rid of the moss completely. 

Vinegar may also damage some types of concrete, especially if they are coloured or sealed. Therefore, you need to test the vinegar on a small area first before applying it to the whole surface.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another common household item that you can use to clean moss from concrete. Baking soda is a base that can raise the pH of the moss and kill it. Baking soda is also gentle and safe for your concrete and the environment.

To use baking soda to clean moss from concrete, you need to follow these steps:

  • Sprinkle baking soda over the mossy area, covering it completely.
  • Leave the baking soda to work for at least 24 hours, or longer for thicker moss.
  • Scrub the area with a stiff-bristled brush to remove the moss and the baking soda.
  • Rinse the area with water to wash away any residue.

Using baking soda to clean moss from concrete is a simple and effective method. However, baking soda may take longer to work than other methods, so you need to be patient. Baking soda may also leave a white film on your concrete, which you can remove with vinegar or water.

4. Bleach

Bleach is a strong chemical that can kill moss and other organisms on your concrete. Bleach can also whiten and brighten your concrete, making it look cleaner and newer. However, bleach can also be harmful to your concrete, your health, and the environment, so you need to use it with caution and moderation.

To use bleach to clean moss from concrete, you need to follow these steps:

  • Dilute bleach with water in a ratio of 1:10, or as instructed by the product label.
  • Pour the bleach solution into a spray bottle or a garden sprayer.
  • Spray the bleach solution over the mossy area, making sure to wet the moss thoroughly.
  • Leave the bleach solution to work for at least 15 minutes, or longer for thicker moss.
  • Scrub the area with a stiff-bristled brush to remove the moss and the bleach solution.
  • Rinse the area with water to wash away any residue.

Using bleach to clean moss from concrete is a powerful and fast method. However, bleach can also damage your concrete, especially if it is coloured or sealed. Bleach can also cause skin and eye irritation, respiratory problems, and environmental pollution. 

Therefore, you need to wear protective gloves, goggles, and clothing when using bleach. You also need to keep children and pets away from the area until it is completely dry. You also need to dispose of the bleach solution properly, following the local regulations.

5. Boiling Water

Boiling water is another simple and natural way to clean moss from concrete. Boiling water can scald and kill the moss, making it easier to remove. Boiling water is also cheap and readily available in most households.

To use boiling water to clean moss from concrete, you need to follow these steps:

  • Boil a large pot of water on the stove or in a kettle.
  • Carefully pour the boiling water over the mossy area, making sure to cover all the moss.
  • Wait for a few minutes until the moss turns brown and wilted.
  • Scrub the area with a stiff-bristled brush to remove the moss and the water.
  • Rinse the area with water to wash away any residue.

Using boiling water to clean moss from concrete is a safe and eco-friendly method. However, boiling water may not be effective enough to kill all the moss spores, so you may need to repeat the process several times to get rid of the moss completely. 

Boiling water may also burn your skin or damage your plants, so you need to be careful when handling the water. You also need to avoid pouring the water on cold or frozen concrete, as this can cause cracks and damage.

6. Pressure Washer

A pressure washer is a device that uses high-pressure water to clean various surfaces. A pressure washer can remove moss from concrete by blasting it away with a powerful jet of water. A pressure washer can also clean dirt, stains, and other debris from your concrete, making it look fresh and new.

To use a pressure washer to clean moss from concrete, you need to follow these steps:

  • Rent or buy a pressure washer that is suitable for your concrete surface. You can find pressure washers at most hardware stores or online.
  • Attach the pressure washer to a water source and a power source, following the instructions of the device.
  • Set the pressure washer to a low or medium setting, or as instructed by the device.
  • Spray the water over the mossy area, moving the nozzle back and forth in a sweeping motion. Keep a distance of at least 30 cm from the concrete to avoid damaging it.
  • Repeat the process until all the moss is gone and the concrete is clean.
  • Let the area dry completely before using it.

Using a pressure washer to clean moss from concrete is a fast and effective method. However, a pressure washer can also be expensive and noisy, so you may need to rent or buy one. A pressure washer can also damage your concrete, your plants, or your property, so you need to be careful when using it. 

You also need to wear protective gloves, goggles, and clothing when using a pressure washer. You also need to follow the local regulations for water usage and disposal.

How to Prevent Moss from Growing on Concrete: 4 Useful Tips

Now that you know how to clean moss from concrete, you may wonder how to prevent it from growing back. Here are four useful tips that you can follow to keep your concrete moss-free:

1. Keep Your Concrete Dry

Moss needs moisture to grow, so keeping your concrete dry is the best way to prevent it. You can do this by:

  • Improve the drainage of your concrete by adding slopes or channels to direct the water away.
  • Covering your concrete with a roof, an awning, or a tarp when it rains or snows.
  • Drying your concrete with a towel, a mop, or a blower after it gets wet.

2. Keep Your Concrete Clean

Moss feeds on dirt, dust, and organic matter, so keeping your concrete clean is another way to prevent it. You can do this by:

  • Sweeping or vacuuming your concrete regularly will remove any debris.
  • Washing your concrete with water and soap or a mild detergent once in a while will remove any stains or residues.
  • Seal your concrete with a concrete sealer or a waterproofing agent to protect it from water and dirt.

3. Keep Your Concrete Sunny

Moss prefers shade to sun, so keeping your concrete sunny is another way to prevent it. You can do this by:

  • Trimming or removing any trees, bushes, or plants that block the sunlight from reaching your concrete.
  • Moving or removing any furniture, equipment, or objects that cast shadows on your concrete.
  • Painting your concrete with a light or bright colour will reflect the sunlight and make it warmer.

4. Keep Your Concrete Moss-Proof

Moss hates certain substances that can inhibit its growth, so keeping your concrete moss-proof is another way to prevent it. You can do this by:

  • Sprinkling salt, baking soda, or lime over your concrete will raise its pH and make it alkaline.
  • Spraying vinegar, lemon juice, or bleach over your concrete will lower its pH and make it acidic.
  • Applying a moss killer, a moss repellent, or a moss inhibitor over your concrete will kill or prevent any moss spores.


To clean moss from concrete, you can use some simple tools and techniques such as moss killer, vinegar, baking soda, bleach, boiling water, or a pressure washer. You can also prevent moss from growing on concrete by keeping it dry, clean, sunny, and moss-proof. 

However, if you want to save yourself the hassle and the danger, you may want to hire a professional cleaning company to clean moss from concrete for you. If you are looking for a professional cleaning company to clean moss from concrete in Ireland, contact Perfect Clean today. We are a trusted and reliable cleaning company that can help you keep your concrete surfaces looking beautiful and safe.

Don’t let moss ruin your concrete. Call Perfect Clean today and let us take care of it for you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to remove moss from concrete?

The most effective method is to use a mixture of vinegar and water or a commercial moss killer. Apply the solution directly to the moss, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub with a stiff brush and rinse with water.

Can I prevent moss from growing on my concrete surfaces?

Yes, regular cleaning and maintenance, ensuring good drainage, reducing shade, and applying moss-preventive solutions can help prevent moss growth.

Is pressure washing safe for removing moss from concrete?

Yes, pressure washing is a quick and effective method. However, it should be done carefully to avoid damaging the concrete surface.

Are there any natural methods to remove moss from concrete?

Yes, using boiling water or a mixture of salt and water can be effective. Pour the solution over the moss, let it sit, then scrub and rinse.

How often should I clean moss off my concrete surfaces?

It depends on the conditions in your area. Typically, cleaning once or twice a year is sufficient, but more frequent cleaning may be necessary in damp, shaded areas.

Can household bleach be used to remove moss from concrete?

Yes, diluted bleach can be used. However, it's important to be cautious, as bleach can harm surrounding plants and alter the colour of the concrete.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.