How To Clean House Windows?

Lenard Nagy
Sep 22, 2023

Cleaning house windows can often feel like a daunting task, especially when you're striving for that flawless, streak-free finish. We've all experienced it at some point—battling smudges, stubborn dirt, and even damaging our window frames with harsh chemicals.

With centuries of experience in glass craftsmanship, we have gathered rich insights on how to clean windows effectively using simple home solutions or professional methods.

So, this article will guide you through step-by-step instructions for cleaning your house windows with ease and achieving that sparkling clean look! Ready? Let's dive into this world of clear vistas together.

Key Takeaways

  • Remove curtains and blinds before cleaning windows to ensure a thorough clean.
  • Make your own homemade cleaning solutions using vinegar or dish soap for eco-friendly and affordable window cleaning.
  • Start by cleaning the window frames to prevent dirt from transferring to the glass.
  • Use an S-shaped motion when cleaning the glass panes to remove dirt and avoid streaks.
  • Wipe off any excess cleaner after cleaning to prevent streaks on the windows.
  • Avoid common mistakes like choosing a sunny day, spraying cleaner on dirt, skimping on window cleaner, using old cotton rags, and wiping with a squeegee without removing excess water beforehand.

Tips for Cleaning House Windows

  • Remove curtains and blinds before cleaning.
  • Make homemade cleaning solutions.
  • Start with the frames.
  • Use an S-shaped motion when cleaning the glass panes.
  • Wipe off any excess cleaner to prevent streaks.

Remove curtains and blinds before cleaning

Before starting our window cleaning, let's take down the curtains and blinds first. It keeps them away from water or spray. It also lets us clean all parts of the windows well. We won't miss any spots hidden by the curtains or blinds.

Plus, it is a good time to wash or dust those curtains and blinds too!

Make homemade cleaning solutions

One great option for cleaning house windows is to make your own homemade cleaning solutions. There are many simple and effective recipes you can try. For example, mixing white vinegar with water creates a natural solution that works well on glass surfaces.

Another option is to combine dish soap with warm water in a bucket. This solution can help remove dirt and grime from your windows. By making your own cleaning solutions, you have control over the ingredients and can avoid the harsh chemicals often found in commercial cleaners.

Plus, it's an affordable and eco-friendly alternative for keeping your windows sparkling clean.

Keep in mind that distilled white vinegar is commonly used as a DIY window-cleaning ingredient because it leaves no streaks behind when properly diluted with water. Microfiber towels are also recommended for wiping down the glass, as they are more effective than paper towels or newspaper at removing smudges without leaving lint behind.

Start with the frames

To clean your house's windows effectively, start by focusing on the frames. Use a vacuum, duster, or cloth to remove any dust from the window frame, tracks, and sill. This step is important because it helps prevent dirt and debris from getting onto the glass when you start cleaning.

By paying attention to the frames first, you ensure that the entire window will be sparkling clean. Remember to remove screens and wash them separately as well.

Use an S-shaped motion when cleaning the glass panes

When cleaning the glass panes of your house windows, it's important to use an S-shaped motion. This method helps to ensure that you clean the entire surface of the glass and avoid streaks.

Start at the top corner of the window and move your cloth or squeegee down in a curve, then reverse direction and go up in another curve. Repeat this motion until you have cleaned the entire pane.

By using an S-shaped motion, you can effectively remove dirt and grime from your windows, leaving them sparkling clean.

Wipe off any excess cleaner to prevent streaks

After cleaning the glass panes of your house windows, it's important to wipe off any excess cleaner to prevent streaks. Streaks can make your windows look dirty even after you've cleaned them, so it's crucial to remove any residue left behind by the cleaning solution.

Use a clean microfiber towel or a lint-free cloth to gently wipe away the excess cleaner. This will help ensure that your windows dry without streaks, leaving them sparkling and clear.

Remember, using the right tools and techniques can make all the difference in achieving streak-free windows for a brighter and cleaner home.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Cleaning Windows

  • Choosing a sunny day to clean windows can cause the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, resulting in streaks and residue on the glass.
  • Spraying cleaner on top of dirt and dust will only push the debris around, making it harder to achieve a truly clean window.
  • Skimping on window cleaner may save you money initially, but it won't effectively remove dirt and grime, leaving your windows looking dull and cloudy.
  • Using an old cotton rag to dry windows can leave behind lint and fibres, creating more work for you in the long run.
  • Wiping with a squeegee without properly wiping off excess water beforehand can lead to streaks and drips as you move across the glass panes.

Choosing a sunny day to clean windows

On a sunny day, the windows are more likely to dry quickly without leaving streaks or water spots. This is because the sunlight helps evaporate any moisture left on the glass. Plus, you'll be able to see any smudges or dirt more easily when it's bright outside.

So, pick a nice sunny day to tackle your window cleaning task for the best results!

Spraying cleaner on top of dirt and dust

To avoid streaks and achieve a sparkling clean window, it's important not to spray cleaner directly onto dirt and dust. Doing so will only spread the dirt around and make your cleaning efforts less effective.

Instead, take a few moments to wipe away any loose debris with a dry cloth or duster before applying the cleaner. This will ensure that you're working with a clean surface and allow the cleaner to do its job properly.

Remember, starting with a clean slate is key to achieving streak-free windows every time!

Skimping on window cleaner

When cleaning house windows, it's important not to skimp on window cleaner. Using too little cleaner can lead to streaks and smudges on the glass. It's best to use a generous amount of window cleaner to ensure thorough cleaning and remove any dirt or grime.

Additionally, using a good-quality window cleaner will help achieve better results. So, make sure you have enough window cleaner on hand before starting your window cleaning task. Remember, using the right amount of window cleaner is key to getting those streak-free and sparkling-clean windows that you desire.

Using an old cotton rag to dry windows

When it comes to drying windows after cleaning, using an old cotton rag may not be the best option. While it might seem convenient, an old cotton rag can leave behind lint and streaks on the glass surface.

Instead, opt for a microfiber towel or a squeegee to achieve a streak-free finish. Microfiber towels are more effective at absorbing moisture and leaving windows sparkling clean without any residue or smudges.

On the other hand, a squeegee is great for removing excess water from the window pane in one smooth motion. So, ditch that old cotton rag and choose the right tools for drying your windows effectively.

Wiping with a squeegee

To avoid streaks and achieve a sparkling finish, wipe the glass panes with a squeegee after cleaning. A squeegee is a handheld tool with a rubber blade that helps remove water and cleaner from the surface of the window.

Start at the top corner of the window and pull the squeegee down in a straight line, overlapping each stroke slightly. After each downward stroke, wipe off any excess water from the blade using a clean cloth or towel.

Continue this process until you have wiped all areas of the glass, ensuring that you work methodically from top to bottom. Remember to use long strokes rather than short ones for the best results.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Windows

To clean windows effectively, follow these steps: Scrub the glass using a homemade or professional cleaner. Start cleaning with a strip at the top and squeegee across in an S-shaped motion.

Wipe off excess water and continue working down the window. Finally, wipe off any remaining streaks or water with a lint-free cloth.

Scrub the glass

To clean the glass on your house windows, start by scrubbing it gently. You can use a soft cloth or sponge with warm water and mild dish soap. If there are stubborn stains or grime, you may need to use a non-abrasive cleaner.

Avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the glass or frames. Remember to wipe in circular motions, covering the entire surface of the window pane. Once you're done scrubbing, rinse off the soap with clean water and dry with a lint-free cloth or microfiber towel for a streak-free finish.

Clean the starting strip

To clean a starting strip on your house windows, begin by removing any dirt or debris from the window frame, tracks, and sill using a vacuum cleaner or a cloth. This will ensure that you have a clean surface to work with.

Next, dampen a microfiber towel with your homemade cleaning solution or glass cleaner and wipe down a small section of the glass pane from top to bottom. Use an S-shaped motion as you move across the window to thoroughly clean the glass.

Once you finish this starting strip, continue cleaning the rest of the window using the same technique. Remember to wipe off any excess cleaner to prevent streaks and achieve crystal-clear windows.

Squeegee across the top

Once you have scrubbed the glass and cleaned a starting strip, it's time to squeegee across the top. This is an important step to ensure a streak-free finish on your windows. Use a window squeegee in an S-shaped motion as you move across the top of the glass pane.

This helps to remove excess water and cleaner from the surface, leaving your windows sparkling clean. Remember to wipe off any water that collects on the squeegee blade after each pass to prevent streaks.

By following this technique, you can achieve professional results when cleaning your house's windows.

Wipe the squeegee clean

After using the squeegee to clean the windows, it's important to wipe them clean. Wiping off any excess water or cleaning solution from the squeegee helps prevent streaks on the glass.

By wiping the squeegee clean between each stroke, you can ensure a more effective and streak-free window cleaning process. Microfiber towels are recommended for this task, as they are highly absorbent and won't leave behind lint or residue.

So, remember to wipe your squeegee clean throughout the window cleaning process for a sparkling finish.

Work down the window

After cleaning the top portion of the window, it's time to work down. Use a squeegee or a clean microfiber cloth to wipe away any remaining water and cleaner from the glass. Start at the top and make horizontal strokes as you move downward.

This method helps to prevent streaks and ensure that all areas are covered. If you notice any drips or excess wateruse a dry cloth to wipe them away before they evaporate and leave streaks behind.

Work systematically across the entire window until it is clean and streak-free.

Wipe off excess water

After washing the windows, it's important to wipe off any excess water. This will help prevent streaks and ensure a streak-free finish. You can use a clean microfiber towel or even a squeegee to remove the water.

Make sure to start from the top and work your way down, wiping in a straight line or using an S-shaped motion. Don't forget about the corners and edges of the window as well. By wiping off excess water, you'll be left with sparkling, clean windows that let in plenty of natural light.


  • Wiping off excess water is crucial for achieving streak-free windows.
  • Use a microfiber towel or squeegee to remove the water.

Additional Tips for Cleaning House Windows

  • Clean hard-to-reach windows by using a long-handled squeegee or an extension pole for better access and reach.
  • When changing the blade on your squeegee, ensure it is sharp to avoid streaks and smudges on the glass surface.
  • For cleaning windows inside your home, use a microfiber cloth or newspaper instead of a squeegee to avoid dripping water onto your floors.
  • When cleaning windows from the outside, use a ladder or secure scaffolding for safety and stability.
  • To achieve streak-free windows, wipe in one direction using horizontal strokes on the inside and vertical strokes on the outside for easy identification of any missed spots.

Tips for hard-to-clean windows

Cleaning hard-to-reach windows can be a challenge, but with the right techniques, it can be done effectively. Here are some tips to help you clean those difficult windows:

  • Use a telescopic window cleaning pole with a squeegee attachment to reach high windows without needing a ladder.
  • For narrow or small windows, use an extendable handle on your squeegee to reach into tight spaces.
  • Consider using a window cleaning tool with an angled head for windows that are low and close to the ground.
  • Wet the window surface thoroughly before using a squeegee to remove dirt and grime from corners and edges.
  • Use a long-handled brush with soft bristles to scrub hard-to-reach areas gently.
  • If there are stubborn stains or marks, apply a mixture of vinegar and water and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing.
  • For second-story windows, consider using a professional-grade window-cleaning kit that includes safety harnesses and ropes.

Changing a squeegee blade

To ensure streak-free windows, it's important to have a sharp and clean squeegee blade. Over time, the blade can become dull or damaged, which can affect its cleaning performance. To change the squeegee blade, start by removing the old one from the handle.

Then, take your new squeegee blade and insert it into the channel on the handle, making sure it is secure. It's a good idea to keep extra blades on hand so you can easily replace them when needed.

By regularly changing your squeegee blade, you'll always have a tool that works effectively to keep your windows sparkling clean.

Using a squeegee inside the house

When cleaning windows inside the house, a squeegee can be a handy tool. It helps to remove the water and cleaner from the glass without leaving streaks behind. To use a squeegee, start by wetting the window with a solution of water and dish soap.

Then, position the squeegee at the top corner of the window and pull it down in a straight line, using firm pressure. After each stroke, wipe off any excess water from the blade with a clean cloth or towel.

Continue this process until you have cleaned all areas of the window. The squeegee will leave your windows sparkling clean and streak-free.

Cleaning windows from the outside

To clean windows from the outside, start by rinsing them with a hose to remove loose dirt and debris. Then, use a bucket of soapy water and a sponge or microfiber cloth to gently scrub the glass surface.

Be sure to reach all corners and edges. After that, rinse off the soap residue with clean water from the hose. To prevent streaks, dry the windows using a squeegee in an upward motion, starting from the top and working your way down.

Use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe away any remaining water or streaks for a sparkling finish.

Cleaning windows without streaks

To clean your windows without streaks, there are a few important tips to keep in mind. First, make sure you're using the right tools and cleaning solutions. Microfiber towels work best for wiping down glass surfaces, as they leave behind no lint or residue.

Instead of using paper towels or newspaper, which can cause streaks, opt for the microfiber option.

Next, choose a good window cleaner solution. One effective homemade option is a mixture of distilled white vinegar and water. This natural solution helps remove dirt and grime while leaving your windows sparkling clean.

When it comes to actually cleaning the glass panes, use an S-shaped motion with your microfiber towel to ensure even coverage and avoid streaks. Be sure to wipe off any excess cleaner before it dries on the glass; this will help prevent streaking as well.


In conclusion, cleaning house windows doesn't have to be a difficult task. By following these simple tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can achieve streak-free and sparkling windows.

Remember to start with the frames, use homemade cleaning solutions or vinegar, and wipe off excess cleaner for a perfect finish. So, with the right techniques and tools, your windows will look crystal clear in no time! So get started on your window-cleaning journey today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What supplies do I need to clean my house's windows?

To clean house windows, you will need a bucket of warm soapy water, a squeegee or microfiber cloth, a window cleaner solution, and a scrub brush or sponge.

How often should I clean my house's windows?

It is recommended to clean your house windows at least twice a year, or more frequently if they get dirty easily due to factors such as weather conditions or nearby construction.

How can I remove stubborn stains from my house's windows?

To remove stubborn stains from your house windows, you can try using vinegar mixed with water as a natural cleaning solution. Apply the mixture to the stain and gently scrub it with a brush or sponge before rinsing with clean water.

Can I use newspaper instead of paper towels for cleaning my house's windows?

Yes, you can use newspaper instead of paper towels for cleaning your house windows, as it helps reduce streaks and leaves them sparkling clean without lint residue. Simply crumple up the newspaper into ball-like shapes and wipe the glass surface in circular motions until dry.

Can I use a pressure washer to clean my house's windows?

Yes, you can use a pressure washer to clean your house windows, but it is important to use the correct nozzle and pressure setting to avoid damaging the glass or window frames. It is also recommended to test the pressure washer on a small area first before using it on the entire window.

How can I prevent streaks when cleaning my house's windows?

To prevent streaks when cleaning your house windows, make sure to use a squeegee or microfiber cloth to remove excess water or cleaner from the glass surface. It is also helpful to work in sections and wipe the glass in one direction to avoid leaving streaks. Additionally, using distilled water instead of tap water can help prevent streaks caused by minerals in the water.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.