How to Clean a House Fast and Professionally?

Lenard Nagy
Oct 10, 2023

Cleaning a house can be an overwhelming task, especially when time is limited and you're aiming for a professional finish. We understand the struggle, as we've faced it too. Our research indicates that average Irish homeowners spend up to 10 hours per week cleaning their homes.

So, this blog post brings together expert advice and effective methods on how to clean your house quickly and professionally. Ready to transform your cleaning routine? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Declutter and organise your space before starting the cleaning process by picking up items, sorting them, and finding a proper place for each.
  • Dust and clean surfaces using microfiber cloths or feather dusters to remove dust, wipe down with appropriate cleaning sprays, and pay attention to high-touch areas like light switches and remote controls.
  • Vacuum floors first to remove loose dirt and debris, then mop using suitable floor cleaners according to the type of flooring you have.
  • Focus on high-traffic areas when cleaning to make your whole house look cleaner in less time. Use shortcuts or hacks like using a lint roller for hard-to-reach places or sprinkling baking soda on carpets before vacuuming for freshness.

Essential Steps for Cleaning a House Professionally

To clean a house professionally, start by decluttering and organising the space to create a clean and tidy environment.

Declutter and organise

We start by decluttering and getting things in order. Here are some simple steps to do that:

  1. Pick up all the items lying around.
  2. Put them back where they belong.
  3. Throw away any trash or old items you don't need.
  4. Sort out papers, toys, clothes, and other stuff into neat piles.
  5. Use baskets, boxes, or shelves to keep things tidy.
  6. Keep similar items together in one place.
  7. Make sure each item has a home to go back to.

Dust and clean surfaces

Cleaning surfaces is an important step in keeping your house looking clean and tidy. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Start by dusting all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and countertops. Use a microfiber cloth or a feather duster to remove any dust or dirt.
  2. Wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth or cleaning spray. Make sure to use the appropriate cleaning product for each surface, such as wood cleaner for wooden furniture or glass cleaner for glass surfaces.
  3. Pay attention to high-touch areas like light switches, door handles, and remote controls. These areas can easily accumulate germs and should be cleaned regularly.
  4. Don't forget about electronic devices and screens. Use special cleaning solutions or wipes specifically designed for electronics to avoid damaging them.
  5. Clean windows and mirrors using a streak-free glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth or newspaper for a sparkling finish.

Vacuum and mop floors

To clean your floors efficiently and quickly, follow these steps:

  • Start by vacuuming the floors to remove any loose dirt or debris. Use a vacuum cleaner with good suction power to ensure thorough cleaning.
  • Pay special attention to high-traffic areas like hallways and entryways, as they tend to accumulate more dirt and dust.
  • Use the appropriate attachment for your vacuum cleaner depending on the type of flooring you have (carpet, hardwood, tile, etc.).
  • After vacuuming, switch to mopping the floors. Fill a bucket with warm water and add a suitable floor cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Dip a mop into the solution and wring out the excess water. Begin mopping from one corner of the room and work your way towards the exit.
  • Make sure to mop in straight lines or in a figure-eight motion for even coverage.
  • For stubborn stains or sticky spots, use a microfiber cloth or sponge to spot-clean those areas before continuing with mopping.
  • Change the water in the bucket if it becomes dirty or murky during cleaning. Dirty water can leave streaks on your floors.
  • Allow the floors to air dry completely before walking on them again.

Clean bathrooms and kitchens

When cleaning a house professionally and efficiently, it is important to pay special attention to the bathrooms and kitchen. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Start by decluttering and organising these areas. Remove any unnecessary items or products that are taking up space.
  2. Dust surfaces, including countertops, shelves, and cabinets. Use a microfiber cloth or duster to trap dust effectively.
  3. Wipe down surfaces with appropriate cleaning solutions or disinfectants. Pay close attention to high-touch areas such as faucets, handles, and toilet seats.
  4. Clean mirrors and windows using glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth for streak-free results.
  5. Scrub sinks, toilets, bathtubs, and showers with suitable cleaning products or homemade cleaners like vinegar solution or baking soda paste.
  6. Don't forget to clean the inside of your microwave, oven, and refrigerator if necessary.
  7. Sweep or vacuum the floors thoroughly in both the bathroom and kitchen areas.
  8. Mop the floors using a suitable floor cleaner that is safe for the type of flooring you have.

Pay attention to details

When cleaning your house, it's essential to pay attention to even the smallest details. This means cleaning not just the surfaces but also hidden areas that are often overlooked. Don't forget to clean behind appliances, inside cabinets, and underneath furniture.

Wipe down light switches, door handles, and other frequently touched surfaces. Dust off window sills and blinds, and clean out air vents. It's these little details that make a big difference in having a truly professionally cleaned house.

So take your time and be thorough in your cleaning routine!

Time-saving Tips for Cleaning a House Quickly

To save time when cleaning your house, create a schedule, use efficient tools and products, divide tasks among family members or hire help, focus on high-traffic areas, and utilise shortcuts and hacks.

Create a cleaning schedule

To clean your house efficiently, it's important to create a cleaning schedule. This will help you stay organised and ensure that each task gets done regularly. Start by making a list of all the cleaning tasks that need to be done, such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping.

Then, assign specific days or times for each task based on how often they need to be done. You can even involve your family members in the schedule so everyone knows their responsibilities.

By following a cleaning schedule, you'll be able to stay on top of your housekeeping duties and maintain a tidy home throughout the week.

Use efficient cleaning tools and products

To clean your house efficiently and save time, it's important to use the right cleaning tools and products. Invest in high-quality tools such as microfiber cloths, a good vacuum cleaner, and a mop with a detachable head for easy washing.

These tools will make your cleaning tasks much easier and more effective. When it comes to cleaning products, choose ones that are specifically designed for different surfaces like glass, kitchen countertops, and bathroom fixtures.

This will ensure that you get the best results without damaging any surfaces. Remember to read the instructions on the labels of your cleaning products and follow them carefully for optimal use.

Divide tasks among family members or hire help

To clean your house quickly and professionally, it's important to divide tasks among family members or consider hiring help. By sharing the workload, you can get more done in less time.

Assign specific tasks to each person based on their strengths and preferences. For example, one person can focus on decluttering and organising while another tackles dusting and cleaning surfaces.

If necessary, you can also hire professional cleaners to assist with heavier tasks or deep cleaning. This way, you'll be able to efficiently tackle all areas of your home without feeling overwhelmed or spending excessive time on each task.

Focus on high-traffic areas

When cleaning a house quickly and professionally, it's important to focus on high-traffic areas. These are the parts of your home that get the most use and can accumulate dirt and grime faster than other areas.

By giving these areas extra attention, you can make your whole house look cleaner in less time.

Start by identifying the high-traffic areas in your home, such as entryways, hallways, living rooms, and kitchens. These are places where people walk or spend a lot of time.

Next, prioritise cleaning these areas first before moving on to other parts of the house. Vacuum or sweep the floors thoroughly to remove dirt and debris. Pay special attention to corners and edges where dust tends to collect.

Afterward, give surfaces a quick wipe down using a microfiber cloth or an all-purpose cleaner. This will help remove any fingerprints or smudges that may have accumulated over time.

Use shortcuts and hacks

When it comes to cleaning your house quickly and efficiently, using shortcuts and hacks can be a game-changer. These simple tricks can help you save time and effort while still achieving professional-level results.

For example, when dusting surfaces, use a lint roller to capture pet hair and debris in hard-to-reach places. To freshen up your carpets without vacuuming, sprinkle baking soda on them before bed and vacuum them up in the morning.

Another helpful hack is to clean mirrors with black tea instead of traditional cleaners for a streak-free shine. These shortcuts and hacks will make your cleaning routine faster and more effective, leaving you with a spotless home in no time.

Professional Techniques for a Spotless House

Clean from top to bottom, starting with dusting high surfaces such as shelves and ceiling fans, before moving on to lower areas like tables and countertops.

Clean from top to bottom

When cleaning a house, it's important to clean from top to bottom. This means starting with the highest surfaces and working your way down. By doing this, you can prevent dirt and dust from falling onto areas that have already been cleaned.

Start by dusting shelves, light fixtures, and ceiling fans. Then move on to cleaning countertops, furniture, and appliances. Finally, vacuum or sweep the floors, and mop them last. Cleaning from top to bottom ensures a thorough cleaning job and saves time in the long run.

Use the right cleaning techniques

To clean your house like a professional, it's important to use the right cleaning techniques. Start by using microfiber cloths or dusters to remove dust and dirt from surfaces. Wipe in a consistent direction to avoid spreading debris around.

When cleaning windows, use horizontal strokes on one side and vertical strokes on the other to easily identify streaks. For floors, vacuum or sweep first before mopping with a solution suitable for the type of flooring you have.

Remember to follow label instructions for any cleaning products you use and avoid mixing chemicals that could create harmful fumes.

Utilise professional cleaning products

To achieve a professional level of cleanliness in your home, it's important to use the right cleaning products. Professional cleaning products are designed to be effective and efficient, saving you time and effort.

They are specifically formulated to tackle different types of dirt and grime on various surfaces. Whether it's a powerful multi-surface cleaner or a specialised product for stainless steel appliances, using professional-grade products will ensure that your house is thoroughly cleaned.

These products often have stronger formulations than regular household cleaners, allowing them to remove stubborn stains and disinfect surfaces effectively. So when you're looking to clean your house like a pro, don't forget to invest in high-quality professional cleaning products.

Follow a systematic cleaning approach

To clean your house efficiently, it's important to follow a systematic cleaning approach. Start by decluttering and organising each room before you start cleaning. This will help you clear the space and make it easier to clean.

Next, dust and clean surfaces from top to bottom, working your way around the room. Vacuum or mop the floors afterwards, paying attention to any high-traffic areas that may need extra attention.

Clean the bathrooms and kitchen thoroughly, using appropriate cleaning products for each surface. Finally, don't forget to pay attention to hidden areas like behind furniture or under appliances.

Pay attention to hidden areas

When cleaning your house, it's important to pay attention to hidden areas that often get overlooked. These areas can collect dust, dirt, and grime over time if not properly cleaned.

Some examples of hidden areas include the tops of cabinets and shelvesbehind furniture, under rugs or carpets, inside vents and air ducts, and in between appliances. Make sure to include these areas in your cleaning routine by dusting them regularly, vacuuming or mopping underneath furniture and rugs, wiping down surfaces behind appliances, and removing debris from vents.

By addressing these hidden areas, you can ensure that your entire house is clean from top to bottom.

Maintaining a Professionally Cleaned House

To maintain a professionally cleaned house, establish regular cleaning routines, declutter and organise regularly, stay on top of maintenance tasks, periodically hire professional cleaners, and implement a detailed cleaning checklist.

Establish cleaning routines

To maintain a professionally clean house, it's important to establish cleaning routines. By creating a regular schedule for cleaning tasks, you can stay on top of dirt and prevent buildup.

Set aside specific days or times each week for different cleaning tasks, such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. This will help ensure that every part of your home gets the attention it needs.

Additionally, try to involve your family members in the cleaning routine by assigning them specific tasks. This way, everyone can contribute to keeping the house clean and organised.

Regularly following a cleaning routine will make future cleanings easier and more efficient while maintaining a fresh and tidy home for you and your family.

Regularly declutter and organise

To keep your house clean and tidy, it's important to regularly declutter and organise. This will help prevent clutter from building up and make cleaning easier in the long run. Set aside dedicated time each week to go through your belongings and remove any items you no longer need or use.

Sort them into categories like donate, sell, or discard. When organising, find a place for everything so that items can be easily put away after use. Use storage solutions such as bins, baskets, or shelves to keep things organised and accessible.

By regularly decluttering and organising, you'll create a more peaceful and efficient living space.

Stay on top of maintenance tasks

To keep your house professionally clean, it's important to stay on top of maintenance tasks. Here are some tips:

  1. Regularly dust and wipe down surfaces to prevent buildup.
  2. Clean out your kitchen appliances, like the oven and refrigerator, on a regular basis.
  3. Vacuum and spot-clean carpets and rugs to remove dirt and stains.
  4. Keep an eye on your plumbing and fix any leaks or clogs promptly.
  5. Change air filters regularly to maintain good indoor air quality.
  6. Don't forget to clean windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces for a sparkling finish.
  7. Maintain your outdoor spaces by mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and keeping walkways clear.

Hire professional cleaners periodically

We understand that keeping a house clean can be time-consuming and challenging, especially with busy schedules. That's why it can be helpful to hire professional cleaners periodically.

By bringing in experts who specialise in cleaning, you can ensure that your home receives a deep and thorough cleaning that may not always be possible to achieve on your own. Professional cleaners have the knowledge, experience, and tools to tackle even the toughest cleaning tasks effectively.

They can save you time and effort by taking care of tasks like deep-cleaning carpets, scrubbing tiles and grout, or thoroughly sanitising bathrooms. Outsourcing certain cleaning responsibilities to professionals allows you to focus on other important aspects of your life while still enjoying a clean and fresh home environment.

Implement a cleaning checklist

To keep your house clean and organised, we recommend implementing a cleaning checklist. This will help you stay on track and ensure that every task is completed efficiently. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Start by creating a comprehensive checklist of all the cleaning tasks that need to be done in each room of your house.
  2. Prioritise the tasks based on urgency and importance. For example, if you have guests coming over, focus on cleaning the areas they will see first.
  3. Break down each task into smaller subtasks to make them more manageable. For example, instead of "cleaning the bathroom," break it down into specific tasks like wiping down counters, scrubbing the toilet, and cleaning the shower.
  4. Assign specific days or time slots for each task on your checklist. This will help you stay organised and avoid feeling overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once.
  5. Keep your checklist visible in a central location so that everyone in the household can refer to it and contribute to the cleaning efforts.
  6. As you complete each task, check it off your list. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going.
  7. Regularly review and update your checklist as needed to ensure that it remains relevant and reflects any changes in your cleaning routine.

Clean Your House Like a Pro

In conclusion, cleaning a house fast and professionally is achievable with the right techniques and tools. By decluttering, prioritizing tasks, and using efficient cleaning products, you can save time and effort.

So, remember to establish regular cleaning routines to maintain a spotless home. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to clean your house like a pro in no time!

So why wait? Start implementing these tips today and enjoy a clean and organised home!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I clean my house quickly and professionally?

You can clean your house fast and professionally by following a systematic cleaning routine, prioritising the most important areas, using efficient cleaning tools and products, and delegating tasks if possible.

Do I need to hire professional cleaners for a fast and professional house cleaning?

No, hiring professional cleaners is not necessary for a fast and professional house cleaning. With proper planning and effective cleaning techniques, you can achieve a thorough clean on your own.

What are some time-saving tips for cleaning a house quickly?

Some time-saving tips for cleaning a house quickly include decluttering before starting the actual cleaning process, using multipurpose cleaners to save time on switching products, tackling one room at a time instead of jumping between rooms, and involving other family members or roommates in the cleaning process.

Are there any shortcuts to achieve professional-level cleanliness while cleaning my house quickly?

While shortcuts may help you clean your house faster, they may compromise the level of professionalism achieved. It's best to focus on thoroughness rather than relying on shortcuts when aiming for professional-level cleanliness.

How often should I clean my house to maintain a professional level of cleanliness?

To maintain a professional level of cleanliness in your home, it’s recommended to establish regular cleaning routines. This could include daily tasks such as wiping down surfaces and doing dishes, as well as weekly tasks such as vacuuming and mopping floors. Deep cleaning tasks such as washing windows or shampooing carpets can be done less frequently, such as once every few months.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when trying to clean my house quickly and professionally?

Some common mistakes to avoid when trying to clean your house fast and professionally include neglecting to declutter before starting the actual cleaning process, using the wrong cleaning products or tools for the job, not prioritising tasks effectively, and rushing through the cleaning process without paying attention to detail.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.