Cleaning Tips for Large Families

Lenard Nagy
Jul 4, 2023

Keeping a home tidy is challenging, especially when you're part of a large family. Believe us we've seen it all, from chaotic kitchens to cluttered living rooms and our research shows that an impressive 85% of Irish homeowners share these concerns.

In this article, we'll guide you through practical cleaning strategies tailored specifically for big families - helping turn your bustling household into an organised oasis. Ready to dive in? You won't believe how simple maintaining cleanliness can actually be!

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritise cleaning tasks to save time and make it easier. Set key tasks, use lists, ask for family help, and cross out finished tasks.
  • Create a schedule for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning to stay organised. Set aside time each day for quick tasks, focus on specific areas or tasks each week, and tackle bigger projects once a month.
  • Assign age - appropriate chores to each family member and create a rotating chore system. Younger children can do simple tasks while older kids take on more responsibility. Rotate the assignments regularly and make it fun with rewards or music.
  • Utilise storage bins for each family member's belongings to reduce clutter. Establish a command centre for calendars and schedules to keep everyone on track. Implement colour coding systems for towels, bedding, etc., to easily identify whose items are whose.
  • Simplify cleaning processes by using homemade natural cleaning products that are safe and budget-friendly. Set aside regular deep clean days to tackle bigger cleaning tasks. Implement the ten-minute rule for quick cleanups every day.

Better Time Management

To better manage our time, we prioritise cleaning tasks and create a schedule for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning.

Prioritise cleaning tasks

As large families, we must place cleaning tasks in order of importance. This makes our work easier and saves time. Here are a few ways to do just this:

  1. Set the key tasks first: Clean the kitchen, bathrooms and rooms every day.
  2. Do important things in your free time: Deep clean the oven or fridge when you have more time.
  3. Use a list: Write each task on paper or in a mobile app.
  4. Ask family for help: Let everyone pick one job they can do best.
  5. Cross out finished tasks: It gives us joy to see what we have done!
  6. Keep up routine tasks: Make beds, wash dishes and take out the trash every day.
  7. Save big jobs for later: Deep cleaning can take place on weekends or off days.

Create a schedule for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning

Maintaining a clean home for our large family is easier when we have a schedule in place. Here's how we do it:

  • Every day, we set aside time to do quick tasks like wiping down surfaces, picking up toys, and doing a load of laundry.
  • Each week, we focus on specific areas or tasks, such as vacuuming the floors, cleaning the bathrooms, and doing a deep clean of the kitchen.
  • Once a month, we tackle bigger projects like decluttering and organising closets or deep cleaning appliances.

Family Participation

Assign age-appropriate chores to each family member and create a rotating chore system.

Assign age-appropriate chores to each family member

In our large family, we assign age-appropriate chores to everyone. It helps distribute the workload and teaches responsibility. Here are some examples:

  • Younger children can help with simple tasks like putting away toys, making their beds, or wiping down surfaces.
  • Older children can assist with more involved tasks like sweeping the floors, folding laundry, or setting the table.
  • Teenagers can take on more responsibility by cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, or mowing the lawn.
  • Adults in the household can tackle tasks like grocery shopping, meal preparation, and deep cleaning.

Create a rotating chore system

Assigning chores to each family member and creating a rotating chore system can make cleaning more manageable for large families. Here's how it works:

  1. Divide the cleaning tasks: Assign age-appropriate chores to each family member. Younger children can handle simple tasks like putting away toys or folding laundry, while older kids can help with vacuuming, dusting, or washing dishes.
  2. Rotate the chores: To prevent boredom and ensure fairness, rotate the assigned chores regularly among family members. This way, everyone gets a chance to learn different skills and share the workload.
  3. Set a schedule: Have a weekly or monthly schedule that outlines who is responsible for which chores on specific days or weeks. This helps everyone know what their responsibilities are and keeps things organised.
  4. Make it fun: Turn cleaning into a game or competition by offering rewards, playing music, or setting time limits. This can motivate everyone to complete their assigned tasks efficiently.
  5. Lead by example: As parents, actively participate in the rotating chore system and show enthusiasm for keeping the house clean. When children see their parents taking part, they are more likely to follow suit.

Use Organisational Tools and Systems

Utilise storage bins for each family member's belongings, establish a command centre for calendars and schedules, and implement a colour coding system for towels, bedding, and other items.

Utilise bins for each family member's belongings

To keep things organised in a large family, it's helpful to have bins for each person's belongings. Assigning a specific bin to each family member creates a designated space for their items, making it easier for everyone to find what they need and reduce clutter.

For example, you can have labelled bins in the entryway for shoes or baskets in the living room for toys. This not only helps with organisation but also encourages family members to take responsibility for their own things.

By using bins, we can streamline the process of tidying up and ensure that everything has its place.

Establish a command centre for calendars and schedules

We find it helpful to establish a dedicated command centre in our home for calendars and schedules. This central area allows us to keep track of everyone's activities, appointments, and important dates all in one place.

We use a large calendar or whiteboard to write down upcoming events and deadlines, ensuring that no one misses anything important. Additionally, we utilise colour-coding systems or labels for each family member to make it easy to identify who has what going on.

By having a command centre for calendars and schedules, we can stay organised as a family and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Implement a colour coding system for towels, bedding, etc.

Assigning specific colours to towels, bedding, and other items can be a smart and practical way to keep things organised in a large family household. Each family member can have their own designated colour for their belongings, making it easier to identify whose towel or bedding needs washing or belongs in a particular room.

This simple system helps save time and reduces confusion when it comes to keeping track of everyone's items. It's an efficient way to ensure that each person has what they need while maintaining cleanliness in your home.

Simplify and Streamline Cleaning Processes

Simplify and streamline cleaning processes by using homemade natural cleaning products, setting aside regular deep clean days, and implementing the ten-minute rule for quick cleanups.

Use homemade natural cleaning products

Keeping your home clean and safe for your large family is important. One way to do this is by using homemade natural cleaning products. Here are some benefits and tips for using these products:

  1. Safe for your family: Homemade natural cleaning products are free from harsh chemicals, which means they are safer to use around children and pets.
  2. Cost-effective: Making your own cleaning products can be more budget-friendly compared to buying commercial cleaners. You can save money by using basic ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
  3. Environmentally friendly: Using homemade natural cleaners reduces the amount of harmful chemicals being released into the environment. This helps protect our water sources and wildlife.
  4. All-purpose cleaning spray: Create an all-purpose cleaner by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Use this solution to clean surfaces like countertops, tables, and floors.
  5. Window cleaner: Mix equal parts distilled water and white vinegar to create an effective window cleaner. Spray it onto windows or mirrors, then wipe clean with a lint-free cloth or newspaper.
  6. Deodorising spray: Combat odours in your home by mixing a few drops of essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Use this mixture to freshen up carpets, upholstery, or even as a room spray.
  7. Grease remover: To remove stubborn grease stains in the kitchen, combine baking soda with a small amount of liquid dish soap to form a paste. Apply the paste to the greasy area, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub away with a sponge or cloth.
  8. Toilet bowl cleaner: Sprinkle baking soda into the toilet bowl, followed by pouring white vinegar over it. Allow the mixture to fizz for a few minutes before scrubbing with a toilet brush.

Set aside regular deep clean days

We found that setting aside regular deep clean days can be a great way to keep your large family home tidy and organised. These designated days allow you to tackle those bigger cleaning tasks that may not be done on a daily basis.

By scheduling these deep clean days, you can ensure that all areas of your home receive the attention they need to stay fresh and well-maintained. This approach also prevents overwhelming amounts of cleaning piling up and allows you to distribute the workload among family members, making it more manageable for everyone involved.

With regular deep clean days, you'll have peace of mind knowing that your home is being thoroughly cleaned on a consistent basis.

Implement the ten-minute rule for quick cleanups

Let's talk about the ten-minute rule for quick cleanups. In a busy household with a large family, it can be challenging to find time for deep cleaning every day. That's where the ten-minute rule comes in handy.

The idea is to set aside just ten minutes each day for a quick cleanup around the house. During this time, you can focus on tidying up common areas like living rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms.

Encourage everyone in the family to pitch in and tackle specific tasks within these ten minutes. For example, one person can quickly wipe down countertops while another person collects stray toys and puts them away.

By implementing this simple routine consistently, you'll be able to maintain cleanliness without feeling overwhelmed or sacrificing too much of your precious time together as a family.

Take Control: Simplify Cleaning and Enjoy More Family Time!

In conclusion, managing a clean and organised home for large families can be challenging, but with the right strategies in place, it is achievable. By prioritising cleaning tasks, involving the whole family, utilising organisational toolssimplifying cleaning processes, and maintaining regular routines, you can keep your home tidy and create more time to spend together as a family.

Remember that perfection isn't necessary - aim for a presentable home that meets the needs of your busy household. With these tips in mind, you can simplify cleaning tasks and maintain cleanliness in your large family household.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I keep my house clean with a large family?

You can keep your house clean with a large family by establishing a cleaning schedule, involving everyone in the household chores, and decluttering regularly.

Are there any time-saving cleaning tips for large families?

Yes, some time-saving cleaning tips for large families include doing small tasks daily instead of letting them pile up, using multi-purpose cleaners, and organising storage spaces to make cleaning easier.

How can I encourage my children to help with cleaning?

You can encourage your children to help with cleaning by assigning age-appropriate tasks, making it fun through games or challenges, and praising their efforts.

What are some effective ways to tackle laundry in a large family?

Some effective ways to tackle laundry in a large family are setting specific laundry days, teaching children how to do their own laundry as they get older, and investing in additional washing machines or drying racks if feasible.

How can I declutter effectively with so many family members?

Decluttering with many family members can be achieved by regularly sorting through belongings, assigning each member a bin or basket for their items, and donating or discarding items that are no longer needed.

Are homemade cleaning products as effective as store-bought ones?

Homemade cleaning products can be just as effective as store-bought ones, and they're often safer and more eco-friendly. Ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice have natural cleaning properties that can tackle a variety of household messes.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.